Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Best wishes to all readers and commenters!

Posting will probably be light at best for the next few days.

A couple of anniversaries of interest.  It's five years since Ken Deffeyes' famous claim that Peak Oil would be Thanksgiving Day 2005 (I think the degree of precision was somewhat tongue-in-cheek).  Whether he was kinda-sorta-qualitatively right, or totally wrong is still unclear.

Also, this blog turned one year old on Tuesday.


  1. Thank you, Stuart, for all your work. I'm continually amazed at the way you can whip up an informative, researched post most days of the week, in your "spare time's spare time."

    All the best to you and yours this Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy birthday to EW, (etc.!)

    And I'll second the thank you for the excellent signal to noise blog. It's well worth stopping by every day or two. Have a great holiday!
