Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Short Note on NYT subscriptions

The New York Times has a new policy in which regular readers will only get 20 free articles per month.  After that, you'll have to get a subscription to keep reading, with the exception that if you are reading based on an inbound link from a blog (like this one) or social media, you can read even if you don't subscribe and have used up your allowance of twenty free articles.

I approve of what the Times is doing.  Although it's not a perfect institution, I do read their website every day and it's struck me as crazy for some time that I can do so for free - there's clearly no future in that.  And since their paywall seems to be well designed such that I can safely link to articles there with the guarantee that all my readers will be able to read what I'm linking to, I intend to continue to do so freely.

If anyone runs into trouble reading Times articles linked here, let me know.


  1. I'm not so sure paywalls will do so well for news media. I'll stick with the non paywalled ones myself :)

    Some might find a way around it with that exception though, I can imagine HTML documents traded around with all the latest links.

  2. Guardian's coverage of the issue.

  3. I do read their website every day and it's struck me as crazy for some time that I can do so for free - there's clearly no future in that.

    Why not? There are plenty of news sources that sustain themselves on the model of "free content plus advertisements". The Times could probably sustain a slightly smaller version of itself if it went full-digital with the digital revenues it has (after cutting the part of the business costs involving in publishing a print edition).

  4. With regard to the Times policy on free access via inbound links - I followed such a link today and it worked! No nags at all. But the article ran for two HTML pages and the second page pulled a complete blank; no payment, no view. So if you refer to something there you will need to provide URLs for all pages.
