Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back Problems...

On an administrative note: I hurt my back on Monday and am under physical therapist's orders not to sit up.  That has cramped my blogging style more than a little!  It has started to improve and I hope to return to light blogging tomorrow (albeit from a near horizontal position...).


  1. Get well soon, Stuart! This blog is one of the only reasonable ones on peak oil and related issues. Your input is highly valued.

  2. Take your time getting better, sir. The world will likely be just as insane no matter when you get back.

  3. Stay on the mend! Find a non-stressful

  4. Stuart: Geeze man, here is wishing you a rapid recovery. Don

  5. Thanks guys - seem to be slowly mending now.

  6. I feel your pain... literally. Take it slow, be gentle on yourself, and, once you feel better, get good exercise and stay stretched.

  7. Ooh, don't take chances with your back. You're going to need a strong back living in the country.

    Can't even sit up? Dang, you hurt it bad. Get well soon!

  8. For just a tad more detail - my PT, who seems to be a very brilliant guy - believes I tore one ring of fibers inside one of the disks, and that I should recover completely and fairly quickly as long as I'm careful (which I am being...). Obviously, I'll then be making whatever changes to my exercise routines seem to be indicated to minimize future risks.

    You might think I was hauling around wood stoves, shoveling snow, or something to do this, but no, I was just getting dressed at the time :-)

  9. Ow! You have my sympathy, been there, done that.
    Gotta watch out for the socks!

  10. My back has been improving rapidly, and I anticipate a normal blogging schedule this week.

  11. Interestingly, rock climbing used to be really good for my back. (Till that nasty fall, anyway.) Maybe something simulating climbing...

  12. Per Hal's comment, my chronic (age 15-35) back problems basically went away when I started lifting weights (30min 3x/week). I'm now 42. On my only visit to the chiropractor in years (I had moderate pain from popping a rib partially out of its socket, once a monthly occurrence), she off-handedly remarked "wow -- you're really out -- if you weren't working out regularly, you would hardly be able to move." I took this as confirmation that spending a little time and money at the gym was a much better deal than spending a lot of both on chiro/PT. YMMV, of course.
